Tradespoon develops technology to help you learn what stocks to trade, the direction of those stocks, whether they move up, down or stay static, and at what price to buy or sell a Stock or option. Tradespoon members can receive trade recommendations from three services:


ActiveTrader: A daily-updated list of 3 bullish and 3 bearish stock and option recommendations with entry, target and stop-loss prices. For intraday trading, or holding positions for 1-2 days. The service provides two entry/exit strategies that are dependent upon the premarket S7P 500 futures for that day.

Each day, our expert traders use Tradespoon Tools to provide the Top Bullish and Bearish Stocks, each with an Entry Price, Target Profit, and Stop Loss. Please note, that it is possible to hit the Target multiple times throughout the trading day, so you can trade the same stock multiple times using the same entry price.






MonthlyTrader: A weekly-updated list of 3 bullish and 3 bearish trades with entry, target and stop-loss prices. MonthlyTrader is designed for swing trading and positions are normally held for 5-20 days or until target or stop-loss levels are hit.

MonthlyTrader mimics our Premium Member Picks that are part of our Premium Membership. The only difference is that we do not send emails and SMS messages each time we trade. In addition, we give you more trading ideas than the premium picks, but the process of finding these is the same. We use the Tradespoon Bulls and Bears Tools along with the Stock Forecast Toolbox to generate signals that both models agree on.

This service also provides two entry/exit strategies that are dependent upon the premarket S&P 500 futures for that day.






Premium Stock & Options Picks: As part of our Premium Membership, we’ll periodically alert subscribers about our highest quality trade idea. This is a trade we believe—based on our proprietary algorithm and stringent criteria including price momentum, recent news, price and fundamentals—has the highest statistical chances of success.

We also provide Evening Videos which accompanies each pick and describes the fundamental and technical aspects of the pick. Entry and exit prices for both Stock Trade and Options Trade are provided. Experienced traders will find entry and exit prices for more advanced strategies such as the Option Spreads, Calendars, or Butterflies.

Proprietary Tables with our Premium Picks are included and show Support and Resistance Levels, technical indicators like Fibonacci Retracement, and important events such as earnings announcements. It shows you news and commentary, what major events occurred for a stock, and what happened during those past earnings announcements. The table also includes Probability Calculator, the probability of a stock reaching a certain price point by the expiration of the pick, and a short term prediction for 1-10 days. Subscribers get a total of 4-6 picks a month.



I. Tradespoon 101

II. Advanced Options Strategies

The Greeks

III. Technical Analysis

Introduction to Technical Analysis


Chart Patterns

Reading Predictions

IV. Developing a Trading Plan

Portfolio Management


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