How It Works

Tradespoon’s array of tools and services uses quantitative science to make it easy for self-directed investors — whether novice or experienced — to find and manage high quality, high return trade opportunities typically reserved for hedge fund managers and institutional-grade analysis.

There are 3 steps to discovering confident trading ideas with optimal entry and exit points:

1. Signal-finding

Our sophisticated algorithmic system leverages predictive analytics, advanced artificial neural networks, and hyper-fast data processing to find relevant patterns in voluminous stock data. Our platform uses this data to generate short and long-term forecasts, and can rank stocks that are determined to be undervalued in the market.

You can use our Stock Forecast Toolbox, Futures Forecast Toolbox and Forex Forecast Tool to generate intraday, 10-day and 6-month predictions.

We also offer tools which are optimized for 40-50 day outlooks, such as our Trade Idea Tool, Probability Calculator and Tradespoon Bulls & Bears.

Tradespoon also offers recommendation services built for different trading styles and goals:

  • ActiveTrader (Stocks & Options): A daily-updated list of 3 Bull and 3 Bear recommendations with two Entry Prices, Stop Loss and Target Gain Prices. Designed for intraday trading or positions held for 1-2 days.

  • MonthlyTrader (Stocks & Options): A weekly-updated list of 3 Bull and 3 Bear recommendations with two Entry Prices, Stop Loss and Target Gain Prices. Designed for swing trading.

  • Premium Member Stock & Options Picks: Our team of experts conducts technical and fundamental analysis on equities ranking well within our system, and releases a recommendation package which includes a Stock trade, an Option trade, and an Option Spread trade. We provide statistical analysis and a monitor for all working orders we place.

2. Strategizing & Executing

At this stage, you’ve either manually selected a short-list of stocks or ETF’s or found a trade recommendation which match your trading style and goals. You can then cross-reference different models and analytics to determine the best course of action. We provide a series of manuals which include use case scenarios to show how this can be done. You can find them in our Smart Trading Guides collection.

3. Managing & Rebalancing

Our Portfolio Toolbox can be used to create a portfolio of your current positions and holdings. You can use Tradespoon’s robust set of analytics tools to monitor the performance of your investment portfolio and make adjustments to be best positioned to outperform the market, given a defined risk profile and other preferences. It would also serve well to use our forecasting data to monitor future trends and make any necessary adjustments.

Tradespoon subscribers also have access to educational training videos and webinars to enhance your skill at using our tools to identify, trade and manage investment opportunities.

Learn about all the tools in our Platform information page.

No risk.  No credit card required.  No obligation.