Market shifts happen by the second. As soon as an investment portfolio has been constructed to be optimized against specific objectives, it’s almost instantly sub-optimal.
Modern Portfolio Theory holds that it is possible to optimally allocate investments between assets to maximize expected return, based on a given level of market risk.
To empower you to do so, Tradespoon provides a point-and-click interface to monitor the performance of your investment portfolios. Consider our optimal allocation recommendations to outperform the market, based on our re-balancing algorithms and your defined preferences.
There is no comparable tool on the market for self-directed investors.
For each of your portfolios, the platform will recommend a more optimal portfolio, using options to achieve the desired balance. Our rebalancing algorithm constructs these efficient portfolios by examining asset correlation and using the optimization scheme you specify, including:
Our use of options is based on current research demonstrating that rebalancing using options enables investors to systematize their portfolio rebalancing in a manner superior to calendar or trigger-based approaches, while allowing them to enhance portfolio returns and return-risk ratios.